Author Archives: Admin

attendance race

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Posted in Dosbarth Mr Giannini (Y2) | Leave a comment

attendance race

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Posted in Dosbarth Miss Dibsdale (Y4) | Leave a comment

attendance race

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attendance race

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Ceop Safety Centre – Online Safety Advice

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.30.39The Ceop Website has great advice on how to stay safe online.

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Staying Safe Online -Staying Safe Online: How to Report an Issue

The internet can be great fun. You can chat to your friends, play games and learn about new things. But sometimes things happen which can make you upset. People may say mean things which make you feel sad, or you may see something that you don’t like.

If this happens, you must remember it’s not your fault.

  • TELL AN ADULT YOU TRUST if you are upset or worried about something that has happened to you. They can help you to report it to us at CEOP.
  • If you feel in danger phone 999 to speak to the police. They will make sure you are safe.
  • If you don’t feel there is anyone you can talk to, there are people at Childline who will always listen to you. They won’t tell anyone else about what you’ve said, which means you can feel safe talking to them.

You can phone  Childline free on  0800 1111  and the number won’t  appear on the phone bill


You can also tell us at CEOP what is happening so we can help you. If there is an adult you trust, like your mum, dad, carer or teacher, get them to help you fill out the form. Click the red box below to get the form.Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.30.54


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Reading Eggs

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.22.39Login to your Reading Eggs account and play with along with this App.


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A great way to organise your ideas and plan your learning.  There is a free version (Popplet lite) but you can’t do as much with it.Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.21.37 Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.21.48

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Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.14.32Access your J2E account on your iPad.  You will need your username and password to login.

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Sing Your Times Tables With Percy Parker HD

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.15.05A fantastic way to learn your tables.  Drive your parents mad by singing along!!!

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