Author Archives: Admin

Pic Collage

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.12.26Pic Collage enables you to create effective posters using photos and text.  A great way for displaying your learning.

Cost – Free

Warning – This app has in-app purchases!!!

Posted in App Alert | Leave a comment

Fabulous Road Safety Website

This website has games and information about how to stay safe on the roads.  There is also a section for your parents.

Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 18.04.22

Visit the Site

Posted in Staying Safe in Real Life | Leave a comment

Mr Tiltman’s Spelling Words16-5-14

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Posted in Year 3/4 - Mr Tiltman | Leave a comment

Mr Tiltman’s Spelling Words 21-3-14

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Posted in Year 3/4 - Mr Tiltman | Leave a comment

welsh poems- Eisteddfod

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Posted in Year 6 - Mr Burns | Leave a comment

welsh poems- Eisteddfod

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Posted in Year 5/6 - Mr Farrant | Leave a comment

welsh poems- Eisteddfod

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Posted in Year 5 - Mrs Blyth | Leave a comment

welsh poems- Eisteddfod

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Posted in Year 4 - Mrs Roffey | Leave a comment

welsh poems- Eisteddfod

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Posted in Year 3/4 - Mr Tiltman | Leave a comment

welsh poems- Eisteddfod

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Posted in Year 3 - Mr Phelps | Leave a comment