Monthly Archives: September 2013

Spelling words 27.9.13

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Posted in Year 4 - Mrs Roffey | Leave a comment

Shark Facts

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Posted in Year 4 - Mrs Roffey | Leave a comment

Shark Facts

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Posted in Year 3/4 - Mr Tiltman | Leave a comment

If you have problems and you need to talk to someone, you can contact Childline. They are a charity who help children in need of help and advice. Visit their website or phone 0800 1111.

Posted in NSPCC / Childline, Staying Safe in Real Life, Staying Safe Online | Leave a comment

ROVER – Play Flash Files (Reading Eggs, SumDog etc)


You may have noticed that you cannot open SumDog on your Ipad.  This is because it needs Flash Player.  Install  and open Rover, type the website you want into the address bar and the site will load.  It may be a little bit slower than playing on a normal computer but it will work!

Please note, Rover only works on educational sites.

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Pages, Keynote, Numbers

These three Apps are a useful toolkit.

Pages allows you to create word processing and desktop publishing documents (Word/Publisher).

Numbers allows you to create spreadsheets (Excel).

Keynote allows you to create presentations (Powerpoint).

These Apps are more expensive than many apps but are very useful for most  school work.

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